Building in foreground: GFoundation Residence
Building in background: GFoundation Work Centre

The Global Foundation is situated on 20-acres (8 hectare), at the heart of the Beaver Hills Biosphere and Wetlands in Alberta, Canada – encompassing over 1,500 km2 and are part of an ecosystem which included wetlands, wildlands, parks and sanctuaries, home to a wide variety of wildlife – a foundation for the region’s biodiversity and home for a number of species at risk.

Planting & caring for trees and plant varieties, protecting wetlands and watersheds.

Promoting biodiversity.

Experimenting, piloting, and doing practical wetlands restoration and wildlife protection.

Integrating food production gardens as part of wetland restoration efforts.

Building a knowledge base with like-minded groups and individuals to share with others.

Developing a Citizen Science Monitoring Trail with your neighbours.