The Global Foundation For Social Harmony and Sustainable Development (GFoundation) Has Launched A New Website
The new version has a similar look to the previous one, but better reflects who we are and what we do, according to GF spokesperson Kim Fong, who helped guide the transition.
Fong credits Zachary Kelly with creating the new and inspiring website by virtue of Augustana University’s community policy. Kelly is a 4th year U of A computing student from the Augustana campus in Camrose, Alberta, Canada.
He chose to work with GFoundation as a means of making the world a more sustainable and hopeful place. “Everyone needs to become more aware of the impact of their actions,” he said. “The GFoundation website is providing an accessible route for people to become involved in change.”
U of A Augustana encourages students like Kelly to reach beyond the university classroom into the community, thereby enriching their grasp of their field of study through the sharing of knowledge and enthusiasm with other involved in their field.
Fong acknowledged Kelly’s work as support GFoundation’s positive evolution. He invites feedback about the website from everyone.
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