GFoundation Celebrates 20th Anniversary With Volunteers At AGM Sunday, August 20th

The Global Foundation for Social Harmony and Sustainable Development is inviting its supporters and observers to its annual meeting on Sunday 20 August to celebrate the growth it has experienced since its creation in 2003.

After participating in a mass planting of trees on Foundation propery earlier this month, President Winston Gereluk reflected on how the work of the GFoundation has expanded to include a broad range of issues in Alberta, Canada and internationally.

“The slow but sure development of GFoundation has been driven by volunteers,” he said. “We are now inviting them and others to join our AGM and celebration on August 20, beginning with a meeting at the Spilstead Hall in Beaver County to be followed, as is our custom, by a campfire social.”

Upcoming GFoundation Appointments


Special Advisor on Indigenous Affairs

Special Advisor on Indigenous Affairs

Lewis Cardinal, a community activist who comes from the Sucker Creek Cree First Nation is dedicated to developing relationships between people, communities, and the natural environment. He holds a PhD in Indigenous Peoples Education, and is Project Manager of the the kihciy askiy – Sacred Land site in the North Saskatchewan River Valley, a gathering space with sweat lodges, tipis and facilities for educational and cultural activities.


Special Advisor on Watersheds & Forests

Special Advisor on Watersheds & Forests

Former CEO of Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society (AWES), Noel is a graduate in watershed management, with specialties in geology and forest hydrology for managing subsurface and surface water. This comes with extensive experience in managing surface vegetation to control water movement, including for the planting and management of trees and forests.

We value the relationship we have developed with watershed and other organisations and academically-oriented bodies such as UofA Augustana Community Service-Learning program. This year we will begin our involvement in global environmental issues as an accredited NGO within the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP).

GFoundation also celebrates the coming on stream of Special Advisors who have agreed to provide guidance on both watershed and indigenous issues in work within the UN-designated Beaver Hills Biosphere.

Tree planting and maintenance continues as a core activity on GFoundation and other properties; with the planting of 10,000 trees, so far. This year GF has started planting trees across Canada in concert with the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada (CURC).

GFoundation 20th Anniversary Annual General Meeting

Sunday, August 20th at 1:00pm
Spilstead Hall, Beaver County, Alberta

GFoundation will holding its Annual General Meeting at the Spilstead Hall in Beaver County, Alberta.

  • Watershed theme focus
  • Afternoon celebration at nearby headquarters
  • Potluck, campfire, and music

For more information or to confirm, email [email protected].

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