CURC Seniors To Pioneer First-Ever National Forest With GFoundation

The Congress of Union Retirees of Canada (CURC) has radically redefined the boundaries of a tree grove for seniors created a few years ago in Alberta by the Global Foundation for Social Harmony & Sustainable Development (GF).

CURC will be inviting its members across the country to join GFoundation’s annual tree planting from wherever they live in Canada.

The project will begin the week of June 04, 2023 to coincide with World Environment Day.

“We will ask our members or any senior & their family in Canada to plant at least one tree early next June, wherever they call home,” said CURC President Michael MacIsaac.

“Seniors in Canada are fed up with the slow pace of change to deal with climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Our newly planted trees will join global and local efforts to fix CO2 in plants and soil”.

CURC President Michael MacIsaac

He said he will ask his members to plant a tree on property they own (back yard or farm) or on a friend’s property, or family member, organisation, business or government authority.

“You can plant your tree anywhere, with permission of the owner to become part of the program,” said MacIssac.

“Afterwards, CURC tree planters will be asked to click a Global Foundation link for questions about the planting of their tree, thereby enrolling it into our new national forest.”

GF President Winston Gereluk said a map of the new CURC national forest will eventually be produced each year, in time for October 1st UN International Day for Seniors, to demonstrate the difference trees can make to climate change, globally.

Gereluk welcomed the new engagement with CURC, calling it an exciting pathway for effective tree planting approaches.

World Environment Day & Week

Sunday, June 4th

CURC seniors will be planting trees throughout Canada

GFoundation will plant trees at or near its headquarters located near Tofield & Camrose, Alberta

  • Orientation: 1:00pm followed by tree planting
  • 5:00pm Potluck: Campfire, food, and live music

For more information or to confirm, email [email protected].

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