GF Biodiversity Petition Targets Alberta’s Environment & Forestry Ministers

A University of Alberta student at the Augustana campus in Camrose is appealing to students and their teachers throughout the province to help convince Albertans and the Alberta Government to implement biodiversity targets, adopted by the world community in 2022.

“If you love nature and want to help protect it”, says Alec Ewanchuk, a 4th year Environmental Science student in Camrose, “this is a good time to add your voice for Alberta to convert Biodiversity promises into concrete targets.”


“I appeal to students and others in Alberta to help get signatures for the petition drafted by the Global Foundation (GFoundation),” calling on the Alberta Government to take action. “We can make a difference in stemming the loss of biodiversity in our province”.

Ewanchuk joined GFoundation last Fall as a Augustana Community Service Learning (CSL) student, completing work on Biodiversity issues, as part of his studies.

To Sign The Petition & Information:

Tell them you love nature and want biodiversity targets


Anyone can sign & spread the news: Ewanchuk hopes the general public will chime in with students, their teachers and the academic community in signing the petition and to spread the word via their own social networks.

Share this story with those who wish to act