On the occasion of the 1st International Day for Biosphere Reserves, the Global Foundation for Social Harmony and Sustainable Development (GFoundation) is announcing a Citizen Science wildlife monitoring trail which it has created at the headwaters near the highest elevation of the UN-designated Beaver Hills Biosphere, near Edmonton, Canada.
GFoundation Director Patti Albert who lives in the Biosphere, said the trail is situated on property owned by Ducks Unlimited adjacent to the GFoundation headquarters in Beaver County, Alberta, where the water flows into the North Saskatchewan River watershed. GFoundation intends to develop another trail for water flowing into the Battle River watershed.
“GFoundation has adopted a practical focus on 15,000 acres of land surrounding its headquarters in which wetlands of global significance prevail – all within the Beaver Hills Biosphere,” she said.
“Three cohorts of students from U of A Augustana campus have worked since 2019 to identify and mark the location of the trail. It will allow for the collection of data by a broad range of people – young and old – using the latest monitoring technology (cell phone APPs and Google Earth GPS).
“Eventually we intend to monitor the health and survival of innumerable species along the trail which will inform decision-making by downstream tenants and landowners who want to do their part to protect the Biosphere.”
GFoundation organizes annual tree planting with volunteers in Camrose and Beaver counties, wetland restoration and watershed activities, as well as education and information sharing with acreage owners and tenants within its focus area.
Public information Zoom Wednesday November 23rd, 7pm
Augustana students will make presentations about the trail and Citizen Science approaches for using it as a resource. Confirm your attendance by sending a message to [email protected].